Google AdWords Auction |
Now this is a fantastic info-graphic. I have been keeping up with the changes going on with Google as much as possible.
Google is at an incredible pace right now implementing changes to all kinds of products and different area's. This info-graphic graphic really breaks it down to a very understandable and easy to understand format. I found that the portion showing the significance of the quality of the keyword allowed the bidder to pay less for the keyword while ranking higher.
This type of Ad relevancy is used on a daily basis. I was just discussing this ad relevancy with someone the other night and the individual said that he was inside of his e-mail and reading something about hams or talking to someone about hams and Google instantly picked up the fact that one of the ads to display inside of the e-mail account was about ham's.
In turn this makes the combination and matching of the message he was reading and the ad being displayed the key point. Google in essence, suggested the ad based on what was being read which gave Google and the company paying for the ad a possible option of producing a click, which of course generates revenue for Google and a possible sale for the company paying for the ad space.
This is not a new concept for anyone running sponsored ad campaigns but directly correlates with what is being said in the info-graphic. I believe all of this is directly connected with Google's changes being implemented for fresh content and how Google is indexing the most recent news and events, etc… at the most relevant and newest date possible based on the relevancy of the search term. This ad display not only is more cost effective for the company posting the ad, but provides the most relevant SERP's for the user performing the search. The newest and hottest breaking story is not going to be the newest and the hottest if it takes hours to get seen by user's performing searches.
Another portion that catches my attention is the section that says "you can only have one entry into any query auction from your account". From this section Google chooses your keyword it finds the most relevant to the search query no matter how many keywords and ads you entered. Then Google enters your ad into the auction because Google chose which keyword was the most relevant to the search query. So Google determines the match type based on the search query and then determines what is most relevant and then enters it into the auction.
This is no new information for paid search advertising. Setting up an effective AdWords campaign takes plenty of research of keywords and a definite understanding of the competition. There are plenty of tools available to assist any search engine marketer to create an effective campaign. If you think about it your creating ad relevancy the same as Google, just not with a massively sophisticated algorithm. Your determining your keywords and your ads to display to the user when they perform their search. The same principle applies here your effectively trying to target the ad to the user based on the search they use.
When the results are posted the user is shown the most relevant ad based on what they are searching for which is determined by the keywords being used, whether long tail or a generic search term. Not only does Google do this ad relevancy but Face book, Bing and Yahoo! as well. This kind of ad function is designed to be a more human approach instead.
Another great example is the instant search being used by search engines. This instant search makes the suggestions based on your search entry. Of course the suggestions are not always correct, but are fairly convenient for most individuals. The instant search is an option and can be turned off through your browser settings along with local browser and search tracking. Just remember that if you ever want to determine your placement in the SERP's by a search, first clear your browser history and make sure your logged out of your account associated with the current search engine. Your results are going to be different than if you search while logged in.
Finally, if you noticed as well that this same principle applies to local search results. This relevancy is determined by Geo-Targeting. This is nothing new as well but if your not aware of how this works - your browser is well aware of where you are located because of browser sniffers and settings inside of your web browser. You can shut off some of these functions as well, but I would not worry about it to much. Well, with that being said, local placement pretty much works in the same manner, when you perform your search the search engine display's the search based on your search term of choice and then display's local placement appropriately. You will notice you do not get a local placement listing for areas outside of your area. This is because of relevancy and location to your search term again. Of course if you enter a Geo-Targeted location other than your location in your search term you will get a different set of results based on the location entered.
These results are not going to display local listings because your search term is Geo-Targeted. Actually at times if your searching with a term that uses a location specific keyword you still may not get a set of local listings displayed in the SERP's. Ah, you may ask why? This is because the level of a search engine optimization campaign may not be a localized specific campaign. It may actually be a more national or world wide campaign vs. a Geo-Targeted campaign. Plus, if Google determines a organic listing's are more dominant than local listing's it is going to display it that way in the results.
Hopefully, this provides some in insightful information and how the search engines determine the results. It is a complex system and by no means is always perfect. The algorithms change frequently and the necessity for search engine optimization remains a constant. You should continue your search engine optimization campaign and all other marketing venues. Please feel free to share this with whomever you like or in need of in need of (PPC) marketing services.